From an estimated value of USD 52.8 billion in 2020, the global ophthalmic equipment market size is projected to hit USD 63.3 billion by 2025, increasing at a CAGR of 3.7 percent during the forecast period. Owing to increased eye-related conditions, the need for ophthalmic devices has increased three-fold in recent years. For example, in 2015, about 24.4 million people in the U.S. suffered from cataracts. About 2.4 million eye injuries are registered each year in the U.S. Such incidences have also increased the demand for ophthalmologists.
As the market for ophthalmology in the world is rising, our latest NOVEL Ophthalmology 2022 is dedicated to bring a wide variety of experts, ophthalmologists, clinicians, scientists, academic groups, and industrial partners from all over the world to promote “translational researchers” that focuses on the bench-to-bedside development of treatments.
about NOVEL Ophthalmology 2022 conference
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The organizing committee of Novel Ophthalmology 2022 is delighted to invite you to the “3rd Global Ophthalmology and Eye Diseases Summit” which will be held in Paris, France on the 12-13th of September 2022. This year's conference will provide a foundation for networking with prominent experts and ophthalmologists from more than 40 countries.
Novel Ophthalmology 2022 brings together experts, ophthalmologists, clinicians, scientists, academic groups, high-spirited presence of doctors, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities from around the world, providing them with a platform to report on, and discuss issues and scientific achievements in ophthalmology and vision science worldwide. This exciting conference features keynote talks, oral and poster presentations, video presentations, young investigator forums, and much more.
We are really excited about a future where ophthalmologists will make greater use of AI, iris recognition, big data, virtual reality and tailored medicine in their practice to deliver fast, timely and effective treatment for their patients. We believe telemedicine and AI will play a significant role in 21st-century healthcare. In addition, this conference will make every effort to assist young ophthalmologists in establishing themselves as global leaders in the field of basic and clinical research.
There are numerous tracks available for those wishing to give presentations, ranging from basic science to educating and mentoring the next generation of clinicians and scientists, conducting high impact research, generating newest diagnostic and therapeutic techniques that includes informatics, and translating discovery to high-quality patient care. All the researchers are encouraged to submit their abstracts via { }, since there is still plenty of space in the schedule.
I hope everyone who attends NOVEL Ophthalmology 2022 has a professionally rewarding and personally delightful time, and I look forward to seeing you there.
Sincerely yours,
NOVEL Ophthalmology 2022
Organizing Committee
Peers Alley Media
1126 59 Ave East, V5X 1Y9, Vancouver BC, Canada
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil
University of Florida, USA
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
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European Ophthalmology Conferences
Peers Alley Media Genuine Conferences
Eye Conferences
Scope & Importance
Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with anatomy, physiology, disease and treatment of eye related issues. These issues can include dealing with or treating problems of the eye like glaucoma, nearsightedness, farsightedness, blindness, cataracts and macular degeneration through the use of surgery or laser technology. To identify further research and investigate new technology or surgical tools uses to treat diseases. Industry research and market reports address research used to treat patients and provide therapeutic care. To educate and enable smart business decision on pharma companies involved in the ophthalmology.
Novel Ophthalmology Market Overview
The Global Ophthalmology Market size was estimated at USD 52.07 billion in 2020, is expected to reach USD 55.28 billion in 2021, and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.52% to reach USD 81.05 billion by 2027.
The Global Eye Care Products Market is estimated to grow from USD 61.3 million in 2020 to USD 79.9 million by 2026 at a healthy CAGR of 4.6% during the forecast period.
The ophthalmology drug and device market is expected to witness a CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period.
The Ophthalmology Surgical Devices Market studied was anticipated to grow with a CAGR of nearly 5.5% during the forecast period. The major factors driving the growth of the market are the global prevalence of various ophthalmic disorders such as glaucoma, cataract, and diabetic retinopathy and rise in the geriatric population resulting in the global burden of avoidable blindness.
At 3.1% CAGR, The "Cataract Surgery Device Market" Size is expected to grow from 3524.3 million USD In 2020, to reach 3643.2 Million USD by 2026, The base year considered for the study is 2021, and the forecast period is between 2022 and 2026.
The glaucoma market is expected to grow from $2.85B in 2020 to $3.48B in 2030, a CAGR of 2%. The US is the biggest market of the 7MM, accounting for 75.0% market share in 2020. This is set to increase to 80.2% by 2030.
Novel Ophthalmology Market Overview in USA
The global cataract surgical devices market size is expected to reach US$ 10.66 Billion by 2027, exhibiting at a CAGR of 4.48% during 2022-2027.
Glaucoma Treatment Market size exceeded USD 5.5 billion in 2021 and is expected to witness over 3.2% CAGR from 2022 to 2028.
The size of the Diabetic Retinopathy was worth USD 2.60 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 3.49 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 6.05% during the forecast period.
The North America Ophthalmic Devices & Drugs Market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 5% during the forecasted period. Certain factors that are driving the growth of the market include demographic shift, the impact of the prevalence of eye disease, technological advancements in the field of ophthalmology, and rising geriatric population. The aging population is expected to burden all areas of healthcare, and ophthalmologists provide approximately 90% of their procedure-based services to seniors. There has been a rising prevalence of eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy in North American countries. For instance As per the statistics published by National Eye Institute, currently, around 1.3 million Americans are blind, and 2.9 million have low vision. An estimated 2.2 million Americans may face vision loss, and 5 million will have low vision by 2030. Hence, an increase in eye disorders will lead to the growing demand for drugs and devices.
The Ophthalmology Device Market size in North America has been projected at USD 16.55 Billion in 2022. It is estimated to reach USD 21.23 Billion markets by 2027, growing azt a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1% between 2022 to 2027.
Novel Ophthalmology Market Overview in Europe
The Europe Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma Market is expected to growing with a CAGR of 6.1% in the forecast period of 2022 to 2029.
The global Cataract Surgical Devices market size is estimated to be worth USD 7784.1 million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 10070 million by 2028 with a CAGR of 4.4% during the review period.
Ophthalmology Device Market in the United Kingdom is expected to grow, due to the rising number of eye-related diseases and disorders, and greater awareness among people. According to the Royal National Institute of Blind People, as of 2017, there are around 350,000 people on the registers of blind and partially sighted people in the UK. A total of 173,735 are registered severely sight impaired and 176,125 are registered sight-impaired.
Further, the development of new ophthalmology devices and advanced techniques are favouring the growth of the market. Although the ophthalmology devices market displays great promise, due to the increasing number of eye problems, it still faces barriers, such as the risk associated with surgical procedures of the eye which might impede the growth of the market.
The size of the Diabetic Retinopathy Market in Europe has been estimated at USD 1.34 billion in 2022. It is projected to reach USD 1.84 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 6.55% during the forecast period. Diabetic retinopathy is a medical condition which damages the retina and leads to blindness if untreated or undiagnosed.
Novel Ophthalmology Market Overview in Middle East
The Middle East and Africa Ophthalmology Devices Market size have been estimated at USD 4.04 Billion in 2022 and to grow USD 5.27 Billion by the end of 2027, growing at a CAGR of 5.46% between 2022 to 2027.
At 6.1% CAGR, The "Retinal Surgery Devices Market" Size is expected to grow from 1533 million USD In 2020, to reach 2328 Million USD by 2026, The base year considered for the study is 2021, and the forecast period is between 2022 and 2026. Retinal Surgery Devices Market 2022 Research Report provides key analysis on the market status of the Retinal Surgery Devices manufacturers with best facts and figures, meaning, definition, SWOT analysis, expert opinions and the latest developments across the globe.
The size of the Middle East and Africa Diabetic Retinopathy Market was valued at USD 0.75 Billion in 2022 and is predicted to be worth USD 1.04 Billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 6.86% during the forecast period.
Middle East and Africa micro invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) devices market is projected to register a substantial CAGR of 23.9% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027. The new market report contains data for the historic year 2018, the base year of calculation is 2019 and the forecast period is 2020 to 2027.
The Glaucoma Treatment Market is forecasted to reach a net worth of US$ 7.6 Bn in 2032 from US$ 5.5 Bn in 2021 by registering a moderate CAGR of 3%. With the increasing proportion of the geriatric population in different geographic regions, glaucoma has emerged as a prevalent ailment.
Novel Ophthalmology Market Overview in Asia Pacific
The market in Asia-Pacific for ophthalmology drugs and devices is expected to grow with a CAGR of 6.41% during the forecast period from 2019 to 2027.
The Indian glaucoma and cataract surgery devices market was valued at $164 million in 2016, and is expected to reach $321 million by 2023, registering a CAGR of 10.1% from 2017 to 2023.
The size of the diabetic retinopathy market in the Asia Pacific was valued at USD 1.80 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 2.64 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 7.94% during the forecast period.
Asia is predicted to show wealthy growth in the forecast period. Within the Asian region, the western pacific region accounts for a larger share of blindness due to DR when equated to South-East Asia.
Target Audience
• Ophthalmologists
• Optometrists
• Researchers
• Eye surgeons
• Physicians
• Eye care specialists
• Professors and Doctors
• Delegates and Students
• Members of Ophthalmology Societies and Associations
• Directors/Co-Directors of Research-based companies
• Business professionals (Directors, Presidents, CEO) from Ophthalmology equipment companies.
Ophthalmology Societies in USA:
Virginia Society of Ophthalmology (VSO) / Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB) / Optometrists Network / Ophthalmology Match Program (San Francisco Matching Program) / North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS) / North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS) / National Eye Institute (NEI) / Joint Commission for Accreditation of Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (JSAHPO) / Iowa Academy of Ophthalmology / International Ophthalmology Society listings from the American Academy of Ophthalmology / International Council of Ophthalmology / Foundation Fighting Blindness / eyeGENE National Ophthalmic Disease Genotyping Network / Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) / Cornea Society (Castroviejo Society) / Contact Lens Society of America (CLSA) / Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists (CLAO) / Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists (CLAO) / Cogan Ophthalmic History Society / Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS) / Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) / American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS) / American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS) / American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses (ASORN) / American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses / American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery / American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS) / American Society of Ophthalmic Administrators (ASOA) / American Society of Ophthalmic Administrators / American Society of Ocularists / American Society of Ocularists / American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) / American Optometric Foundation / American Optometric Association (AOA) / American Ophthalmological Society (AOS) / American Ophthalmological Society / American Glaucoma Society (AGS) / American Glaucoma Society (AGS) / American College of Eye Surgeons / American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO) / American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) / American Association of Ophthalmic Pathologists / American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus / American Academy of Optometry (AAOpt) / American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
Ophthalmology Societies in Europe:
Swiss Society of Ophthalmology / Spanish Society of Ophthalmology / North of England Ophthalmological Society (NEOS) / Medical Ophthalmological Society / Italian Society of Ophthalmology / French Society of Ophthalmology / European Society of Ophthalmology / European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS) / European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) / European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society (EPOS) / European Board of Ophthalmology (EBO) / European Association for Vision and Eye Research / Danish Ophthalmological Society / British Oculoplastic Surgery Society
Ophthalmology Societies in Asia:
Singapore Society of Ophthalmology / Ophthalmological Society of Bangladesh / Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology (MSO) / Korean Ophthalmological Society / Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society / Chinese Ophthalmological Society / Australian Society of Ophthalmologists / Asia Pacific Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (APSOPRS) / All India Ophthalmological Society
Ophthalmology Societies in Middle East:
Saudi Ophthalmological Society / Qatar Ophthalmological Society / Israel Ophthalmology Society / Iranian Society of Ophthalmology / Emirates Society of Ophthalmology / Egyptian Ophthalmological Society / Algerian Ophthalmological Society
Ophthalmology Societies in Australia:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service (ATSICHS) / Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia Ltd. (AHCSA) / Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation (AHAC) / Australian and New Zealand Eye Foundation (ANZEF) / Australian College of Optometry / Australian Society of Ophthalmologists / Bourke Aboriginal Corporation Health Service (BACHS) / Brewarrina Aboriginal Health Service / Brien Holden Vision Institute / Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service (BRAMS) / Carnarvon Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation (CMSAC) / Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) / Centre for Vision and Eye Research, Queensland University of Technology / Centre for Vision Research / Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Aboriginal Corporation (DYHSAC) / Galambila Aboriginal Health Service / Gidgee Healing / Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service (GRAMS) / Glaucoma Australia / Indigenous and Remote Eye Health Service (IRIS) / Indigenous Eye Health, University of Melbourne / Lions Eye Institute (LEI) / Macular Degeneration Foundation / NextSense / Ngaanyatjarra Health Service (NHS) / OneSight Foundation / Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia / Optometry Australia / Orthoptics Australia / Pius X Aboriginal Corporation / Retina Australia / Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation / Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) / Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) / Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital / Save Sight Institute / Spinifex Health Service (Tjuntjuntjara) / Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation (TAC) / The Fred Hollows Foundation / Townsville Aboriginal and Islanders Health Services (TAIHS) / Vision Australia / Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service Cooperative Limited (WAMS)
Ophthalmology Societies in Japan:
Japan Cornea Society / Keratoplasty Society of Japan / Japanese Ocular Inflammation Society / Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Surgery / Japanese Association for Ocular Infection / Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery / The Japanese Society of Ophthaimological Optics / Japanese Society of Ocular Oncology / Japanese Society for Ocular Circulation / Japanese Society for Ocular Pharmacology / Japan Myopia Society / Japan Contact Lens Society / Ergophthalmological Society of Japan / Japan Imaging and Perimetry Society / Japanese Association for Strabismus and Amblyopia / Japanese Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology / The Japanese Neuro-ophthalmology Society / Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Diabetology / The Japanese Society for Cataract Research / Japanese Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery / Japanese Retina and Vitreous Society / The Japan Glaucoma Society / Japanese Society for Clinical Electrophysiology Vision / Japanese Society of Lacrimal Passage and Tear Dynamics / The Japanese Society for Low-vision Research and Rehabilitation / Japanese Ocular Allergy Society / Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology
Ophthalmology Societies in Canada:
Canadian Society of Eye Health Practitioners / Canadian Ophthalmological Society / Glaucoma Research Society of Canada / Eye Foundation Of Canada / Third World Eye Care Society / Eye Physicians and Surgeons Association of Alberta / Kensington Eye Institute / Eye Associates York Finch Medical Centre / Prism Eye Institute / Canadian Retina Society / OCC Eyecare / Alberta Association of Optometrists / Canadian Association of Optometrists / Eye Care Centre at VGH / Ontario Association of Optometrists / Prism Eye Institute / Oakville Trafalgar Eye Centre / The Eye Bank of Canada / Orbis Canada / Herzig Eye Institute / The Eye Society / Seva Canada Society / Integra Eyecare Centre / Mission Eye Care / Gimbel Eye Centre
Ophthalmology Societies in China:
Chinese Taipei Ophthalmological Society / Chinese Ophthalmological Society / Chinese Glaucoma Society
Ophthalmology Hospitals in USA:
Wolfe Eye Clinic / Wolfe Clinic Eye Center LLC / Wills Eye Hospital / Wheaton Eye Clinic / W.K. Kellogg Eye Center / UW Health Deming Way Eye Clinic / USC Eye Institute-Keck Medical Center of USC / University of Michigan Hospitals-Michigan Medicine / University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics / University Children's Eye Center / UCSF Medical Center / UCSF Comprehensive Ophthalmology and Optometry Clinic / UCLA Medical Center / UCLA Medical Center / Thompson Eye Clinic, P.A. / Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital / Specialty Eye Institute / Shiley Eye Institute at UC San Diego Health / São Paulo Eye Hospital / Ophthalmology Clinic - UT Southwestern / OHSU Hospital / OHSU Casey Eye Institute Clinic, Marquam Hill / Northern New Jersey Eye Institute - South Orange Clinic / New York Eye and Ear Infirmary / Midwest Eye Clinic / Midwest Eye Center / McCannel Eye Clinic / Mayo Clinic Ophthalmology / Mayo Clinic / Massachusetts Eye and Ear Hospital / Marietta Eye Clinic / Khetpal Vijay MD Ophthalmologist and Retina Specialist / Kansas City Eye Clinic / Johns Hopkins Hospital / Ferrell Eye Clinic / Eye Clinic of Wisconsin / Eye Care Center / Emory University Hospital / Duke University Hospital / Duke University Hospital / ColumbiaDoctors Ophthalmology - Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute / Cole Eye Institute / Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute / Cleveland Clinic - Cole Eye Institute Beachwood / Cleveland Clinic / Callahan Eye Clinic / Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center / Bascom Palmer Eye Institute - University of Miami Hospital and Clinics / Bascom Palmer Eye Institute / Aier Eye Hospita
Ophthalmology Hospitals in Europe:
Worldeye Amsterdam / Western Eye Hospital / Wellington Eye Clinic / University Hospital of Padua / University Hospital Aachen: Eye Clinic / The Rotterdam Ophthalmic Institute / The Rotterdam Eye Hospital / The London Clinic Eye Centre / Svjetlost Eye Clinic / Sussex Eye Hospital / StolMed eye clinics / St Pauls Eye Hospital / Scandinavian Eye Center / Retina Total Eye Care / Primavista Eye Clinic / Potters Bar Community Hospital – Moorfie / Pisa eye clinic / Oxford Eye Hospital / Optegra Eye Hospital Manchester / Optegra Eye Hospital London / Optegra Eye Hospital Birmingham / Ophthalmos Eye and Laser Center / Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust / Moorfields Community Eye Clinic / Milan eye clinic / Manchester Royal Eye Hospital / Institute of Ocular Microsurgery / Innova Ocular ICO Barcelona / Heidelberg University Hospital / Eye Hospital OMC Amsterdam / Eye Clinic Prague – NeoVize / Eye Clinic Gemini Zlin / European Ophthalmology Clinic / Clinical Ophthalmology Emergency Hospital / Cathedral Eye Clinic / Bristol Eye Hospital / Berlin Eye Clinic / Ayrshire Eye Clinic and Laser Centre / Athens Eye Hospital / American Hospitals of Paris
Ophthalmology Hospitals in Asia:
Yoshizu Ophthalmology Clinic / W Eye Clinic / VISTA Eye Specialist The Curve / Ueno Eye Clinic / Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital / The Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital / The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital / Tameike Ophthalmology Clinic / Tameike Ophthalmology Clinic / Takami Ophthalmology Clinic / Sydney Eye Hospital / Sungmo Eye Hospital / SNEC Eye Associates / Singapore National Eye Centre / Siloam Eye Hospital / Shanghai Ai'er Eye Hospital / Raffles Eye Centre / Queensland Eye Hospital Pty Ltd / Queensland Eye Hospital / Perth Eye Hospital / Nuh Eye Centre / Musashi Eye Clinic / Morimura Ophthalmology Clinic / LV Prasad Eye Hospital / Korea ophthalmology clinic / Jinan University Affiliated Shenzhen Ophthalmology Hospital / Glory Seoul Eye Clinic / Gangnam Seoul Bright Eye Clinic / Fujimoto Ophthalmology Clinic / Eye Clinic Singapore International / Challa Eye Care Centre / Cataract and Lasik Eye Surgery / Best Eye Hospital in Hyderabad / Beijing Aier-Intech Eye Hospital / Aier Ophthalmology Hospital
Ophthalmology Hospitals in Middle East:
Vista Healthcare Clinic / The Eye Pavilion / The Atlanta Vision Eye Clinic / St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital / Sharif Eye Center – Dubai / Sharif Eye Center / Razi Eye Clinic / Razan ghali ophthalmologist / Quirónsalud - Cataract & Lasik Eye Surgery Hospital / Opticlinic Haifa Israel / Noor Eye Clinic / New Vision Eye Center Dubai / Negah Eye Hospital / Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai / Middle East Eye Hospital / Mediclinic City Hospital / Medcare Eye Centre / Magrabi Eye Hospital / Magrabi Eye Center / Magrabi Eye & Ear Center / King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital / Iranian Eye Clinic / Imperial Healthcare Institute / Imperial Healthcare Institute / Hadassah University Hospital / Farabi Eye Hospital / Egyptian Eye Academy / Ebsaar Eye Surgery Center / Beirut Eye & ENT Specialist Hospital / Aster Clinic, Bur Dubai (AJMC) / American Hospital Clinic - Dubai Media City / Alex Eye Center / Al Rowad Eye Hospital
Ophthalmology Hospitals in Australia:
Perth Eye Hospital / Queensland Eye Hospital / Sydney Eye Hospital / Newcastle Eye Hospital / The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital / Miranda Eye Surgical Centre / Eye-Tech Day Surgeries / Central Coast Day Hospital / Liverpool Eye Surgery / Alice Springs Hospital / The Eye Hospital / Eye-Tech Day Surgeries Southside / Lions Eye Institute / Fremantle Hospital / Epping Surgery Centre / Royal Darwin Hospital / RiverCity Private Hospital / Australian Eye Specialists - Wyndham / Peninsula Eye Centre / Eye and Ear on the Park / Preston Eye Clinic / MetWest Eye Centre / Chatswood Private Hospital / Joondalup Eye Clinic / Fiona Stanley Hospital / Royal Perth Hospital / Auburn Hospital / Royal Adelaide Hospital / Beleura Private Hospital / Crows Nest Day Hospital / Gordon Eye Surgery
Ophthalmology Hospitals in Japan:
Kameda Medical Center / Japan International Eye Hospital / Kobe City Eye Hospital / Kamoshita Eye Clinic / Yoshida Eye Hospital / Tameike Eye Clinic / MinamiAoyama Eye Clinic / Ikebukuro Sunshine Street Eye Clinic / Shinjuku Station East Eye Clinic / Sapia Tower Eye Clinic / Takadanobaba Eye Clinic / Hara Ophthalmology Hospital / Yokohama Sōtetsu Bldg. Eye Clinic / Horiuchiganka Clinic / Sugita Opthalmology Clinic / Takami Ophthalmology Clinic / Miyazaki Prefectural Nichinan Hospital / The University of Tokyo Hospital / Tatematsu Ophthalmology Clinic / Nagoya Eye Clinic / Hyogo Prefectural Kobe Children's Hospital / Kyōto Teishin Hospital / They know Hospital / Sakabe Clinic / Naval Hospital Okinawa / Asakusa Clinic / Kuromitsu Ophthalmology Clinic / Roppongi Hills Clinic / Hachiya Hospital / Koiwa Ladies Clinic
Ophthalmology Hospitals in Canada:
Eye Institute-Ottawa Hospital / Eye Care Centre at VGH / Royal Alexandra Hospital-Regional Eye Centre / Riverside Eye Care Center / Hamilton Regional Eye Institute / Drummond Eye Clinic / Kensington Eye Institute / Prism Eye Institute / Southern Alberta Eye Center / OCC Eyecare / Herzig Eye Institute / Ottawa Eye Clinic / Hotel Dieu Hospital / Carrot Eye Surgery Clinic / Bochner Eye Institute / Misericordia Health Centre / Toronto Eye Care / North Toronto Eye Care / CITYEDGE VISION CENTRE / Brampton Ophthalmology Centre / Calgary Eye Specialist Clinic / Asg Eye Hospitals / Shivam Eye Care Center / Raddiant Eye Care Hospital / Kute Eye Hospital / Ramole Eye Hospital and Den / Birla Eye Hospital And Lasi / Manishankar Eye Hospital / Navkar Eye Clinic / Neocare Hospital / Sudarshan Hospital / Sanmati Eye Hospital / Suryawanshi Eye Hospital / Pushkar Eye Hospital / Durga Eye Hospital / Subhadra Netralaya And Shar / Insure Eye Institute / Life Care Hospital / Prime ENT Clinic & Nursing / Netram Eye Hospital / Noor Eye Clinic
Ophthalmology Hospitals in China:
Wenzhou Medical College Affiliated Yanshiguang Hospital / Shanghai Xinshijie Eye Hospital / Prince Of Wales Hospital Eye Center / Tianjin Eye Hospital / Shanghai Ai'er Eye Hospital / Cangzhou Eye Hospital / Qingdao Eye Hospital / Wuhan Aier Eye Hospital / Hong Kong Eye Hospital / Shanghai Bright Eye Hospital / He Eye Hospital / New Vision Eye Clinic / Aier Eye Hospital / Shandong Qianfoshan Hospital / Dongguan Kanghua Hospital / Lijiang People's Hospital / Beijing United Family Hospital / Shanghai WorldPath Clinic International / Bharatpur Eye Hospital / Wenzhou Medical University
Ophthalmology Journals:
Vision Research / Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology / Translational Vision Science and Technology / Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology / Science and Technology for Visual and Ocular Health / Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology / Review of Ophthalmology / Optometry and Vision Science / Ophthalmology and Therapy / Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging Retina / Ophthalmic Research / Ophthalmic Epidemiology / Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics / Open Journal of Ophthalmology / Korean Journal of Ophthalmology / Journal of Ophthalmology / Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection / Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection / Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research / Journal of Ophthalmic & Vision Research / Journal of Glaucoma / Journal of Eye Movement Research / Journal of Eye Diseases and Disorders / Journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology / Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery / Journal of AAPOS / Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology / IP International Journal of Ocular Oncology and Oculoplasty / Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science / International Journal of Retina and Vitreous / International Journal of Retina / International Journal of Ophthalmology & Visual Science / International Journal of Ophthalmology / International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal / Indian Journal of Ophthalmology / Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology / GMS Ophthalmology Cases / Digital Journal of Ophthalmology / Current Trends in Ophthalmology / Current Opinion in Ophthalmology / Current Eye Research / Contact Lens Spectrum / Community Eye Health / Clinical Optometry / Clinical Ophthalmology / Clinical Ophthalmology / Clinical and Experimental Optometry / Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology / Case Reports in Ophthalmology / Case Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine / British and Irish Ophthalmology Journal / Brazilian Archives of Ophthalmology / BMJ Open Ophthalmology / BMC Ophthalmology / Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology / Archives of the Canary Society of Ophthalmology / American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports / African Vision and Eye Health
Ophthalmology Universities in USA:
Yale University / Weill Medical College Of Cornell Univ / Wake Forest University School of Medicine / University of Wisconsin / University of Utah / University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center / University of Southern California / University of Rochester / University of Pittsburgh / University of Pennsylvania / University of Pennsylvania / University of North Carolina / University Of Minnesota Twin Cities / University of Michigan Medical Center / University of Miami / Indiana University / University of Massachusetts Medical School / University of Maryland Medical System / University of Illinois College of Medicine / University of Colorado / University of Cincinnati Medical Center / University of California / University of Arkansas / University of Alabama School of Medicine / Thomas Jefferson University / Stanford University School of Medicine / San Diego Medical Center / Oregon Health & Science University / Northwestern University Medical School / Medical College Of Wisconsin / Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions / Emory University School of Medicine / Columbia University / Case Western Reserve University
Ophthalmology Universities in Europe:
University of Zurich / University of Sheffield / University of Nottingham / University of Nottingham / University of Manchester / University of London / University of Edinburgh / University College London / The University of Edinburgh / Technological Educational Institute of Athens / Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski / Semmelweis University / Paris-Sud University / Palacky University / Masaryk University / Loughborough University / London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine / Lancaster University / Harper Adams University / Glasgow Caledonian University / European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists / Czech Technical University / Cardiff University / Bangor University / Aston University
Ophthalmology Universities in Asia:
Wuhan University / University of Medicine 2, Yangon / Tokyo Women’s Medical University / Tokyo Medical and Dental University / Tohoku University / Shiga University of Medical Science / Sapporo Medical University / Osaka University / Nanjing University / Nanjing Medical University / Nagoya University / Kyoto University / Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine / Keio University / Kansai Medical University / Kanazawa Medical University / Juntendo University / Jichi Medical University / Iwate Medical University / Hokkaido University / Hebei University of Science and Technology / Hamamatsu Medical University / Geetanjali University / Central South University / B.J. Medical College and Civil hospital / Aichi Medical University
Ophthalmology Universities in Middle East:
Zagazig University / University of Tehran / Tikrit University / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem / Tel Aviv University / Tehran University of Medical Sciences / Tehran Medical Branch / Tanta University / Tabriz University of Medical Science / Shiraz University of Medical Sciences / Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science / Shahid Beheshti University / Qassim University / Mashhad University of Medical Sciences / Marmara University / Koc University / King Saud University / King Khalid University / Islamic Azad University / Iran University of Science and Technology / Iran University of Medical Sciences / Cairo University / Ben Gurion University of the Negev / Baqiyatallah University of Medical Science / Ankara University / Al-Mustansiriyah University / Alfaisal University
Ophthalmology Universities in Australia:
Deakin University / Flinders University / University of New South Wales / Queensland University of Technology / Melbourne University / University of Canberra / Australian College of Optometry / University of Sydney / University of Western Australia / Australian National University / RMIT University / University of Adelaide / University of Newcastle / Monash University / University of Tasmania / University of Wollongong / Macquarie University
Ophthalmology Universities in Japan:
Osaka University / Kyoto University / University of Tokyo / Keio University / Nagoya University / Gunma University / Kyushu University / University of Tsukuba / Tohoku University / Kobe University / Gifu University / Chiba University / Okayama University / Kagoshima University / Nihon University / Tokyo Medical University / Toho University / Kitasato University / Fukuoka University / Hiroshima University / Kanazawa University / Nagoya City University / Kansai Medical University / Kyorin University / Kagawa University / Niigata University / Asahikawa Medical University / University of Yamanashi / Kindai University / Kumamoto University / Juntendo University / Yamagata University / Yokohama City University / Yamaguchi University / Shinshu University / Mie University / Ehime University / Showa University / Shimane University / Osaka City University / Teikyo University / University of Tokushima / University of Fukui / Jichi Medical University / Hirosaki University / Kurume University / University of the Ryukyus / Wakayama Medical University / University of Toyama / Doshisha University / Saga University / Tottori University / Akita University
Ophthalmology Universities in Canada:
University of Waterloo School of Optometry / University of Toronto / University of British Columbia / University of Waterloo / University of Montreal / Dalhousie University / McGill University / Queen's University / University of Ottawa / University of Alberta / Western University / University of Calgary / Laval University / McMaster University
Ophthalmology Universities in China:
Sun Yat - Sen University / Chinese University of Hong Kong / Capital Medical University / Fudan University / Wenzhou Medical University / Peking University / Shanghai Jiao Tong University / Hong Kong Polytechnic University / Tianjin Medical University / Zhejiang University / Central South University / University of Hong Kong / China Medical University / Peking Union Medical College / Zhengzhou University / Wuhan University / Huazhong University of Science and Technology / Tongji University / Nanjing Medical University / Sichuan University / Soochow University / Qingdao University / Shandong University / Jinan University / Harbin Medical University / Chongqing Medical University / Nanchang University / Xi'an Jiaotong University / Anhui Medical University / Xiamen University / Jilin University / Nantong University / Fujian Medical University / Southern Medical University / Hebei Medical University / Inner Mongolia Medical University / Shanxi Medical University / Shantou University / Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine / Nanjing University / Shanghai University / Guangxi Medical University / Dalian Medical University / Kunming Medical University / North Sichuan Medical College / Beihang University / University of South China / Xinxiang Medical University / Hubei University of Medicine / Southeast University / Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine / Shenzhen University
Ophthalmology Companies in USA:
Ziemer / Xenotec, Incorporated dba OcuScience / Xcovery Holdings / Vizunex Medical / VISIONQUEST BIOMEDICAL, LLC / Visionix USA / Optometrics Corporation / Verana Health / Teplick Custom Vision, An NVISION Company / Stealth Peptides International / Smart Vision Labs / Simple Contacts / ShapeTech / RXI Pharmaceuticals / PURICORE PLC / Performance Optics, LLC / Pellicle Products / Patriot Vision Industries LLC / PARION SCIENCES, INC / PanOptica / Panamorph, Inc / Ora Clinical / Optometrics Corporation / OptiMedica / Optics Technology Inc / Optics & Beyond / OPCO Laboratory, Inc. / OneBreath Inc. / OD-OS / O & S Research Inc / Novartis Institute for BioMedical Systems / Nidek Inc. / Nevada Eye Care, An NVISION Company / Modernizing Medicine / MiMedx Group, Inc / Medweb / Livionex Pharma / Liquida Technologies / Lin Bioscience / Kejako / INSON MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC. / Inotek Pharmaceuticals / GrayBug / Global Precision Optics / Fuse Lenses / Faith Optical / EyeSupply / EyeIC / Equinox Interscience Inc / Envisia Therapeutics / Enterprises Of Lynk / Eidolon Optical LLC / Eidolon Corporation / Edmund Optics / Double Helix Optics, Inc / Cyvera Corporation / Cocoon Biotech, Inc. / Clear Beam Co / Clave Biodesign, Inc. / ClarVista Medical / Cirtemo, LLC / C&E GP Specialists Inc. / BridgeBio / Bond Optics LLC / Bioptigen / Bicycle Therapeutics / Bern Optics Inc / Avalanche Biotechnologies / Astellas Pharma / Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology / Asphera Incorporated / ARC Scan / Aoa Xinetics / Amf Optical Solutions LLC / American Academy of Ophthalmology / ALPHAEON / Alcon / Advanced Glass Industries / Advanced Glass Industries / 4D Molecular Therapeutics
Ophthalmology Companies in Europe:
Wren Therapeutics / VRmagic / VR MED / URSAPHARM Arzneimittel / TRB Chemedica / ThromboGenics / Technolas Perfect Vision / Spintec Engineering / Simbec Research / Sensimed / S ecarna Pharmaceuticals / Roche / RetinAl Medical GmbH / Recopharma / Proretina Therapeutics / Phasics / Panoptes Pharma / Oxymap / Optotune GmbH / OPTOCRAFT GmbH / Ophthalmopharma / OMEICOS Therapeutics / Novagali / NICOX / Molecular Partners / Mireca Medicine / KalVista Pharmaceuticals / Inflamalps SA / Gyroscope Therapeutics / GenSight Biologics / Gene Signal / EYOTO / Eyevensys / EyeTechCare / Exonate / ESBATech / EBS Technologies / E2V TECHNOLOGIES PLC / Dynamic Vision Systems / Digital Healthcare / BlueWorks-Ophthalmic Imaging / BIONURE / Bioftalmik Applied Research / Bayer / Ayoxxa Biosystems / Ascendis Pharma / Apidel / Anteis / Amarna Therapeutics / Amakem / Altacor Limited / ALPAO / Almaviva Sante / Aeon Astron Europe
Ophthalmology Companies in Asia:
Yao Pharma / Viva Biotech / Viant Medical / V estech / Veraptus / Veeva Systems / Vaxxas Nanopatch / Universal Biosensors / Teva / Telix Pharmaceuticals / Teleflex Medical / Teleflex Medical / TBG Diagnostics / SYNkinase / Sun Pharmaceuticals / Starpharma / Staidson Biopharma / STA Pharmaceutical / Southern Star Research / SOTIO / Sino Biological / Simcere Pharmaceutical Group / Signostics / Siegfried / Shenogen Pharma / ScinoPharm Taiwan / Regeneus / PSC Asia / Protagonist Therapeutics / PolyActiva / Phosphagenics / Pharmaron / Pharmaron / Pfizer / Penumbra / PCI Pharma Services / Paragon Medical / Ozgene / Orthocell / Origene / Nucleus Network / Nucleics / Noxopharm / Novozymes / Novotech / Novogene / Novo Nordisk / Mesoblast / Magpie Pharmaceuticals / Mabworks Biotech / Mabpharm / Lumenis / LuinaBio / Lonza / Living Cell Technologies / LeMaitre Vascular / Lee's Pharmaceutical / Jacobio / Invetech / Integra LifeSciences / Innovent Biologics / Innocare / Impact Therapeutics / Immutep / Immunochina / IDT Australia / Hovione / Hologic / HitGen / Hinova Pharmaceuticals / Health Gene Technologies / Frontier Biotechnologies / Fountain Medical Development / Fochon Pharma / EOC Pharma / EnGeneIc / Elpiscience / Ellex / Eddingpharm / DesigneRx Pharmaceuticals / Datapharm / Daiichi Sankyo / CureGenetics / CStone Pharmaceuticals / Crown Bioscience / Coloplast / Cochlear / Clover Biopharmaceuticals / Clinical Network Services (Cns) / Clarity Pharmaceuticals / Chia Tai TianQing Pharmaceutical Group / ChemPartner / Charles River Laboratories / CF PharmTech / CellTherapies / Cellmid / CC-Pharming / Canbridge Pharmaceuticals / Brii Biosciences / Bio-Thera Solutions / Biosion / Biosceptre / BioMarin Pharmaceutical / BioDuro / Beximco Pharmaceuticals / Beijing Fogangren Bio-pharma / BeiGenej / Baili Pharmaceutical / Axxin / Avance Clinical / AutekBio / Athenex / Asymchem / Ascletis / Ascentage Pharma / Ascend Biopharmaceuticals / Anthrocell / AngioDynamics / AnchorDx / Amador Bioscience / Alterity Therapeutics / Alpha Biopharma / Agilex Biolabs / Agilent / Aft Pharmaceuticals / Admedus / Adlai Nortye / Acumed / Acrux / ACROBiosystems / Accuray / AbbVie
Ophthalmology Companies in Middle East:
Tabuk Pharmaceuticals / Synergy Pharma / Seegene / Roche Diagnostics Middle East / Roche / Pharma House Pharmaceuticals LLC / NewBridge Pharmaceuticals / Neopharma Pharmaceutical Plant / Middle East Pharmaceutical & Industrial Co / Lumenis Ltd. / Leo Pharma / Julphar / Jamjoom Pharma / Hospira / Hoffman La Roche Dubai Branch / Dayarn pharma / Dayaran Pharma / Clinart MENA / ClinArt MENA / CAD Middle East Pharmaceutical Industries LLC / Bristol-Myers Squibb FZ-LLC / Boehringer Ingelheim / Bayer Middle East FZE / Bahrain Pharma / Avalon Pharma HQ / Al Shidani Middle East / Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals
Ophthalmology Companies in Australia:
haf mineral makeup australia / Greenhealthy Australia Pty Ltd / 3L HEALTH PRODUCTS PTY LTD / Elly Jones Beauty Corporation / OXYMAX Australia Pty Ltd / New Eye Company / MD EyeCare Pty Ltd / Eye Candy Optics / Optex Australia / Eyes Right Optical / Eye Corp Australia Pty Ltd / Tokai Optical Australia Pty Ltd / Luxottica Retail Australia / Vision Excellence / The Eye Piece – Wahroonga / Menicon Australia / Wyndham Eye Care / Frame Care Australia
Ophthalmology Companies in Japan:
NISSIN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. / Ecology Health Labo inc. / NIHON KOLMAR CO.,LTD. / INTERMEDICO JAPAN CO.,LTD / ISTYLE CO., LTD / FACELABO CO.,LTD. / COMOLIFE CO., LTD. / AXE CO.,LTD. / Nakanishi Vision / MinamiAoyama Eye Clinic / Keishin Gotanda Eye Clinic / Kobe City Eye Hospital / Four Nines / Shinjuku Station East Eye Clinic / Paris Miki
Ophthalmology Companies in Canada:
Eye On Canada / The Optical Group / Visions Of Canada / Eye Recommend / Eye Candy Opticians Ltd. / Akal Optical / VisionPros HQ / Trillium Eye Care / Perfectlens Contact Lenses Canada / EYE LEVEL OPTICAL + OPTOMETRY / Eye Associates of Don Mills / Integra Eyecare Centre / OPTICANADA - Pioneers in Digital Optometry / Prism Eye Institute / Diamond Eye Commissioning Corp / Omni Eye & Vision / Labtician Ophthalmics, Inc.
Ophthalmology Companies in China:
Shenzhen Mayla Optical Co., Ltd. / FRIMEN CO., LTD. / Tianjin JingMing New Tech. Devp. Co., Ltd / Xinyuan High-tech Center / HANSON MEDITEC CO., LTD / Brightway Medical Instru. Co., Ltd. / Langfang Far East Prosperous Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. / Wuhan Strong Electronics Co., Ltd. / Suzhou Zeller Optics Co., Ltd. / Shanghai Conant Optical Co., Ltd / Ray Vision International Corporation / Aier Medical Instruments Factory / Union Vision Co Ltd / Beijing Outsmarting Dacone Instrument Co.Ltd / Shanghai Top View Industrial Co., Ltd. / Nanjing Redsun Optical Co., Ltd. / Nanjing Poweam Medical Co., Ltd. / Huaian Meide Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. / ChongQing Vision Star Optical Co., Ltd / KangHuaRuiMing Science & Tecnology Co.,Ltd / Langfang Far East Prosperous Optical Instrument / Langfang Far East Prosperous Optical Instrument Co.,Ltd. / Union Vision Co,ltd / China Longde Medical Technology Co., Ltd. / Shanghai Aitomu Machinery Co., Ltd / Wenzhou Howdy Optics Co., Ltd / Shanghai Bolan Optical-Electric Co., Ltd. / Taizhou Weizhen Optical Instrument Technology Co., Ltd. / Guangzhou Sonostar Technologies Co., Limited / Danyang Huasu Optical Co., Ltd. / JIANGSU HYDE OPTICAL CO., LTD. / Shanghai Nobtic Optical Glasses Co., Ltd.
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